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What is a cryptocurrency blockchain?

A cryptocurrency blockchain is similar to a bank’s balance sheet or ledger. Each currency has its own blockchain, which is an ongoing, constantly re-verified record of every single transaction ever made using that currency. Unlike a bank’s ledger, a crypto blockchain is distributed across participants of the digital currency’s entire network

Are cryptocurrencies governed by a central bank?

Cryptocurrencies (or “crypto” for short) are decentralized currencies, meaning they’re neither issued nor governed by a central bank. Some cryptocurrencies are issued by their developers, while others are generated by their respective network algorithms. Crypto are digital assets —they have no tangible form.

What is a cryptocurrency & how does it work?

A cryptocurrency is a digital, encrypted, and decentralized medium of exchange. Unlike the U.S. Dollar or the Euro, there is no central authority that manages and maintains the value of a cryptocurrency. Instead, these tasks are broadly distributed among a cryptocurrency’s users via the internet.

What are cryptocurrencies & crypto tokens?

Both cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens fall under this category. Cryptocurrency: These crypto assets are also called crypto coins and are those native to blockchains. So for instance, bitcoin (BTC) is the native cryptocurrency of the Bitcoin blockchain and ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain.

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